Saturday, November 28, 2009

Aujourd'hui de Dinde. Gobble Gobble.

Thanksgiving in Paris. Sound unheard of? Well, yes because it is not a French holiday--we own that one:) but, my fantastic fellow American students and our wonderful guest of honor all enjoyed one of the best Thanksgivings, ever.

the well designed table--Martha, don't hate

Thankfully I did have someone yell at me that I was not carving the turkey properly.

Natalia and Nina. Natalia made awesome gluten-free stuffing!

Thanks Sherry and Nina. We had our own American football rivalry!

Catlina, Audrey, Raena, Jean-Pierre Constant, Nina, Gabriella, me, Janine

And all of our festive turkey hands. Long live kindergarten traditions!

What a great turkey for JPC's first time:)

It was very cool to have a professor share such a special tradition, and considering that this was his first turkey day, the exchange of culture was wonderful. He did note that we were teaching him. (I felt like I was in the college in the 60's having my professor over for dinner and sharing wine.)

All of my girlfriends did a fantastic job. The company was such a pleasure. We did say what we were thankful without any tears, barely.

We did have plenty of Beaujolais Nouveau, as well as some Absinthe to try.

I give so much credit to everyone because we had to make do (very design) as well as hunt for ingredients, and tools for cooking. Do you know where to find cranberry sauce? Gab did the centerpiece with leaves from our street. Sherry found pumpkin pie ingredients at store called the "Real McCoy." Raena made green beans for the first time! I brought out crayons so we could participate in a true American pastime, turkey hands!!

Three cheers for everyone and I hope your Thanksgiving was just as special!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Subway returns, aussi!

This one is advertisement for the Vionnet exhibit that got turned into Metro Art.

Back with some Art de Rue

Located in the Marais. This work is titled "Open Your Eyes," it is located on the lower right, in English. I do believe that the painted faces is the signature of the artist as I have seen them elsewhere.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Genova con Carla plus more family, part due

Lunch at Titre Merli (this is funny that we went here because that means the three black birds or the three Merlos which Merlo is my last name)
My wonderful frutti de mare pasta and delicious apple, (senza puff pastry) apple pastry This Elephant is made out of tires and the signed called it "Dumping Art" by Elena Boschieri & Elisabetta Lodoli
San Lorenzo Cathedral

A video of the Palazzo Ducale with the grand fountain of Piazza de Ferrari in the foreground

(p.s. may make you a bit dizzy

Then the rest of the time was spent with the relatives back in Basaluzzo!

Carla Making a Crostata senza glutine

The Corstata was delicious! I had seconds of course, but you must manga manga--so I did. The family was wonderful, my time was great, and I can't wait to have them visit me in Milano!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Genova con Carla. part one

We took the train from From Basaluzzo to Genova

Carla (is a relative) showed me the University that she attended (the place with the cool lions).
We then walked around, looked at shops and then made are way to the port to have lunch.

This was the view from the wonderful Titre Merli restaurant that has a gluten free menu!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Milano Metro

The Milano Metro is similar to the other metros, but it is the most dusty-dirty out of London and Paris, and it is also the most wide. It is definitely not as clear as far as signage like London, but you do get to where you going without too much of confusion. The travelling passes are similar: single day tickets and month passes.

The other most noticeable difference between London and Paris is that when utilizing the escalators, people will stand on either side and just get out of someones way if they are traveling fast--this took some getting used to.

The vending machines are the most peculiar with books and toys--how long do people stay on the subway or are Milanese just avid readers and matchbox collectors?

The big-screen rectangular shape has continual commercials playing.

The Emergency signs are nice and clear!

Istituo Marangoni, Milano, or as my cousin Carla called it, insurance on my future

I was in Milano and then, Basaluzzo, and Genova this weekend.

I took Easy Jet, which is very cheap to Milano, Malpensa and then a shuttle from Malpensa to Milano (central). My objective in Milano was to visit the school Istituto Marangoni for possible masters program in fashion design. I could not believe how smooth my transportation from the plane, shuttle, and taxi went in order to arrive to the school on time for my orientation appointment, but it did!

Once there, Tiziana, the orientation officer answered all of my questions and then some.
The school even has a masters for e-Fashion which is in partnership with the online shopping company cool. The masters of fashion design really sounds wonderful and I was told that there are a couple of American students in the program as well. Hmm...there could be a designstudentlivinginMilano next year;)

this is in the lobby. videos of previous collections of students work played continually

The school is right in the near all the fancy high end shops


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