Saturday, November 28, 2009

Aujourd'hui de Dinde. Gobble Gobble.

Thanksgiving in Paris. Sound unheard of? Well, yes because it is not a French holiday--we own that one:) but, my fantastic fellow American students and our wonderful guest of honor all enjoyed one of the best Thanksgivings, ever.

the well designed table--Martha, don't hate

Thankfully I did have someone yell at me that I was not carving the turkey properly.

Natalia and Nina. Natalia made awesome gluten-free stuffing!

Thanks Sherry and Nina. We had our own American football rivalry!

Catlina, Audrey, Raena, Jean-Pierre Constant, Nina, Gabriella, me, Janine

And all of our festive turkey hands. Long live kindergarten traditions!

What a great turkey for JPC's first time:)

It was very cool to have a professor share such a special tradition, and considering that this was his first turkey day, the exchange of culture was wonderful. He did note that we were teaching him. (I felt like I was in the college in the 60's having my professor over for dinner and sharing wine.)

All of my girlfriends did a fantastic job. The company was such a pleasure. We did say what we were thankful without any tears, barely.

We did have plenty of Beaujolais Nouveau, as well as some Absinthe to try.

I give so much credit to everyone because we had to make do (very design) as well as hunt for ingredients, and tools for cooking. Do you know where to find cranberry sauce? Gab did the centerpiece with leaves from our street. Sherry found pumpkin pie ingredients at store called the "Real McCoy." Raena made green beans for the first time! I brought out crayons so we could participate in a true American pastime, turkey hands!!

Three cheers for everyone and I hope your Thanksgiving was just as special!

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