Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Promenade With Real World Experince

Rain, rain, go away? Non, ne pas problem. My fashion marketing teacher said that "A rainy day in Paris is better than a dry day in an other city," and I agree.

Today was the second day I walked to school--love it. I get to see the hustle and bustle of the 11th unexpectedly becoming the 3rd arrondesment. I do love the metro but am enjoying walking, even in the rain:)

Today in Fashion Marketing we had a guest speaker, Jill Cohen. She is the design director for
Artistic Tile. She talked about possible and occurred worst case scenarios of the textile world and the perks. She also has worked at numerous companies and has words of wisdom for entering the fashion/textile/home furnishings work force:
  1. Always bring a notebook, pen, and calculator. Take notes all the time and have a camera to take photos.
  2. Put everything in writing. If you are dealing with a company oversees who later claims that the product should have been one way, you will have proof to e-mail right back and say nope! Also, if you have a disorganized boss who losses information or the product doesn't sell, you can show them that is really what was decided and asked of you back in May. Jill always keeps information and e-mails for at least six months.
  3. It is always great to go to the factory. This way you can see what you are dealing with and the fact that they only have a quarter inch square of the wrong color for their guide.
  4. OVERESTIMATE. If the product, samples, design, or specs will be ready tomorrow, still tell the client or factory that it will be ready in a week so as to allow for unexpected scenarios.
  5. Know CAD! CAD allows you to communicate globally. Your factory in Peru or China will thank you.
  6. Don't Dismiss Walmart. It is difficult to design a lot with a little. They are the biggest company pushing the green effort.
  7. Learn Mandarin.

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